Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Charity update!

So, I've sorted out a few things for next year!

  • Dress as Minnie Mouse for the Day- This will more than likely happen in college so that includes, travel, classes, etc. and it's going to be SO weird but still fun at the same time! If the college say no, then I'll have to do it on a day I'm going out on. I'm doing this in April so I have enough time to be able to hit my target! Sponsor me here. This is in aid of The Joshua Foundation/

  • Dye my hair purple- This is going to be like soon after I do the Minnie Mouse thing. I'm not going to dye all of my hair (you will see why in a moment) but I'm doing it in aid of Cardiff's Women Aid to raise awareness of Domestic Violence. Sponsor me here!

  • Donating my hair- Not all of it! But this is the reason I can't dye all of my hair. You see, they are unable to accept bleached hair and I have to bleach my hair for purple hair, but yeah, I'm donating aprox. 7inches of my hair which won't be dyed. It's kind of like multitasking for my hair! This is in aid of Little Princesses Wig Charity. This is not going to be raising money, but just donating my hair for the charity to make wigs for kids in need of them.

So yeah! That's a little update! It'd be so amazing if you could share this blog wherever possible for people to see what I'm doing and possibly donate! 

Thanks so much!
Jazz x

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